Welcome to the Department of Theatre and 跳舞 (Theatre)

作为一个部门, 我们致力于通过实践课程为学生提供现实世界的培训. 我们的专业教师和工作人员致力于为学生准备戏剧行业和学术界的各个方面. 
在现场观众面前展示戏剧是我们节目教育使命的核心. Students participate in every aspect of our productions from 设计, 表演, and stage management to production, 方向, 和戏剧作法. 
In the areas of 表演, 设计, and technical production, high impact practices encourage life-long learning habits, collaborative skills, and team dynamics that ready students for future success. 在CSUF, 舞台就是教室,我们的表演证明了学生们的努力和技巧.
Driven by a passion for the stage, 我们努力创造一个以学生为中心的教育环境,建立在学生的艺术技能,同时准备他们适应, 创新, 并应对不断变化的专业表演艺术环境.

Department of Theatre & 跳舞 宣传册Opens in new window Opens in new window


最可靠的买彩票平台戏剧与舞蹈系努力创造一个多元化的包容性环境,以提高人们的认识, instills compassion, advocates for our community, and supports our students in their creative and academic goals.  作为一个部门,我们致力于开发创新和独特的教育体验.  我们努力挑战我们的学生,培养他们作为未来艺术家和文化领袖的好奇心.  我们的目标是激励、培养、挑战、教育和授权我们的学生.



作为系主任,我的目标是为我们社区的每一位成员创造一种归属感.  每个人都是戏剧和舞蹈创作过程中的重要组成部分, making what we do one of the most collaborative art forms.  The magic happens when we come together as a cohesive team.  My hope is to give our students the skills to thrive as artists, and to prepare them to be able to adapt, 创新 and respond to the everchanging professional landscape.

该系为学生提供戏剧和舞蹈创作和表演的实用技能教育. 我们的教职员工努力提供创新和卓越的学习机会,以培养每个学生独特的艺术声音,因为他们继续朝着成为表演艺术专业人士的道路前进.

Our department strives to inspire, 培养, 挑战, 教育, and empower our students within a diverse and inclusive environment.

我期待在未来看到你加入我们部门, 无论是成为我们演出的赞助人还是选择成为我们项目的学生.


What is a permit and why am I not able to enroll in my class?

Many Theatre and 跳舞 classes have departmental permissions, 这意味着在你得到许可之前,你不能注册这门课.  This applies to both majors and non-majors.

你可能无法注册所有部门的课程, as some sections are reserved based on departmental need.

There are a few ways to receive a permit:

  • 如果您在我们的部门咨询月(10月或4月)与您的戏剧/舞蹈顾问会面, they can request a permit for you for your theatre/dance classes.
  • 专业:电子邮件戏剧和舞蹈行政支持协调员,迪尼安·戴森的部门   dedyson@us1788.com   and request a permit.  Please include in the email your name, Campus Wide ID (CWID), 类, and the section number for 类.  It takes 24 hours to process this request.
  • Non-majors: Requesting a permit for a Theatre or 跳舞 GE class, 请发电子邮件给戏剧和舞蹈行政支持协调员, Denean戴森   dedyson@us1788.com   and request a permit.  Please include in the email your name, Campus Wide ID (CWID), 类, and the section number for 类.  It takes 24 hours to process this request.

As a current student, can I change my major to a BFA?

戏剧系有3个不同的BFAs,主要集中在表演方面, Devised Performance/Physical Theatre, and 音乐al Theatre.  所有这些学位都需要通过试听和录取.

  • Auditions can be submitting through Accept’d
  • 学生必须在11月底之前提交他们的试镜材料,以便在下一年的课程中得到考虑.
  • Acceptance is contingent on space within each program. Each program takes between 12 and 16 students each year.

What is the difference between a BA and a BFA degree?

戏剧学士学位是文科学位,侧重于全面的戏剧教育. 这是一个“万事通”学位,允许学生学习戏剧艺术的各个方面.  这个学位是戏剧教学证书的一个很好的补充, as it allows the student to become well rounded in theatre arts, 这可以很容易地转化为中学教育和戏剧教学.  A BA degree is 120 units over 4 years of study.

戏剧学士学位是一个专业预科学位,专注于戏剧的一个研究领域.  It is a more specialized degree.  在CSUF, 提供的BFAs以表演为基础,包括表演在内的不同领域, Devised Theatre/Physical Performance, and 音乐al Theatre.  A BFA degree is 132 units over 4 years of study.

How do I get advisement for my classes?

戏剧和舞蹈专业的学生在CSUF学习期间将被指派一名指导老师.  你可以在学生门户网站(Navigate360/TitanNet)上找到你的指导老师。.  每学期你都需要与指导老师见面,选择你的课程,并获得许可.




Outstanding 教师, nationally and internationally recognized, maintain vibrant performing and teaching careers, engage in ground breaking research, and are well-known in the professional fields of Theatre, 跳舞, 歌剧, 电视, 电影, 和主题公园.
Low-Cost Tuition   with the benefits of typical private education. California residents pay just $ 3,736.81   per semester for full-time undergraduate tuition (Fall 2024)
Distinctive Opportunities, including on-campus 表演s in 4 different types of venues;
Individual Attention   在严谨的教育氛围中培养学生的学术和艺术技能,并以此为傲的教师.  学生在系里接受一对一的项目指导. Theatre and 跳舞 classes rarely exceed 25 students.
位置   最可靠的买彩票平台的戏剧与舞蹈系距离洛杉矶不到30英里, near Southern California’s entertainment and recreation destinations.

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戏剧文学士 Opens in new window

Bachelor of 艺术s 在剧院

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表演方面的Ba Opens in new window

Bachelor of Fine 艺术s

Acting Concentration

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ba in musical theatre Opens in new window

Bachelor of Fine 艺术s

音乐al Theatre Concentration


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ba devised 表演 / physical theatre

Bachelor of Fine 艺术s

Devised Performance/
Physical Theatre Concentration

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ma 设计 technical production

Master of Fine 艺术s

Design and Technical Production Concentration

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Master of Fine 艺术s
